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HP Server Tools für Debian/Ubuntu


HP stellt für verschiedene Linux Distributionen seine eigenen Tools bereit. Unteranderem System Health Application and Command line Utilities, iLO Online Configuration Utilities und die Insight Management Agents.

HP SDR (Software Delivery Repository): http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/index.html

Repository für Debian 8 (jessie) hinzufügen

/etc/apt/sources.list.d/HP-mcp.list anlegen

deb http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp jessie/current non-free

Alternativ Repository für Ubuntu 16.04 LTS hinzufügen

/etc/apt/sources.list.d/HP-mcp.list anlegen

deb http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp xenial/current non-free

Repository PGP Keys importieren (curl wird benötigt)

curl http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/hpPublicKey1024.pub | apt-key add -
curl http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/hpPublicKey2048.pub | apt-key add -
curl http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/hpPublicKey2048_key1.pub | apt-key add -
curl http://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/hpePublicKey2048_key1.pub | apt-key add -

Paketquellen updaten

apt update

Pakete installieren (hp-health, hponcfg, hp-snmp-agents)

apt install hp-health hponcfg hp-snmp-agents

HP-Health (hpasmcli)

Das Kommando für die Health Tools ist hpasmcli.

root@rzm-srv01e13:~# hpasmcli
HPE management CLI for Linux (v2.0)
Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP.

NOTE: Some hpasmcli commands may not be supported on all Proliant servers.
      Type 'help' to get a list of all top level commands.


show server

hpasmcli> show server
System        : ProLiant DL360 G7
Serial No.    : XXXXXXXXXX      
ROM version   : P68 08/16/2015
UEFI Support  : No
iLo present   : Yes
Embedded NICs : 4
  NIC1 MAC: d8:9d:67:aa:aa:aa
  NIC2 MAC: d8:9d:67:bb:bb:bb
  NIC3 MAC: d8:9d:67:cc:cc:cc
  NIC4 MAC: d8:9d:67:dd:dd:dd

Processor: 0
  Name         : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5640 @ 2.67GHz            
  Stepping     : 2
  Speed        : 2667 MHz
  Bus          : 133 MHz
  Core         : 4
  Thread       : 8
  Socket       : 1
  Level1 Cache : 128 KBytes
  Level2 Cache : 1024 KBytes
  Level3 Cache : 12288 KBytes
  Status       : Ok

Processor: 1
  Name         : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5640 @ 2.67GHz            
  Stepping     : 2
  Speed        : 2667 MHz
  Bus          : 133 MHz
  Core         : 4
  Thread       : 8
  Socket       : 2
  Level1 Cache : 128 KBytes
  Level2 Cache : 1024 KBytes
  Level3 Cache : 12288 KBytes
  Status       : Ok

Processor total  : 2

Memory installed : 49152 MBytes
ECC supported    : Yes

show temp

hpasmcli>  show temp         
Sensor   Location              Temp       Threshold
------   --------              ----       ---------
#1        AMBIENT              22C/71F    42C/107F 
#2        PROCESSOR_ZONE       40C/104F   82C/179F 
#3        PROCESSOR_ZONE       40C/104F   82C/179F 
#4        MEMORY_BD            35C/95F    87C/188F 
#5        MEMORY_BD            38C/100F   78C/172F 
#6        MEMORY_BD            35C/95F    87C/188F 
#7        MEMORY_BD            36C/96F    78C/172F 
#8        MEMORY_BD            38C/100F   87C/188F 
#9        MEMORY_BD            37C/98F    78C/172F 
#10       MEMORY_BD            37C/98F    87C/188F 
#11       MEMORY_BD            37C/98F    78C/172F 
#12       POWER_SUPPLY_BAY     39C/102F   59C/138F 
#13       POWER_SUPPLY_BAY     50C/122F   73C/163F 
#14       MEMORY_BD            32C/89F    72C/161F 
#15       PROCESSOR_ZONE       35C/95F    73C/163F 
#16       PROCESSOR_ZONE       34C/93F    64C/147F 
#17       MEMORY_BD            35C/95F    63C/145F 
#18       PROCESSOR_ZONE       43C/109F   69C/156F 
#19       SYSTEM_BD            39C/102F   69C/156F 
#20       SYSTEM_BD            43C/109F   71C/159F 
#21       SYSTEM_BD            50C/122F   65C/149F 
#22       SYSTEM_BD            52C/125F   71C/159F 
#23       SYSTEM_BD            45C/113F   69C/156F 
#24       SYSTEM_BD            50C/122F   69C/156F 
#25       SYSTEM_BD            39C/102F   63C/145F 
#26       SYSTEM_BD            49C/120F   66C/150F 
#27       SCSI_BACKPLANE_ZONE  50C/122F   60C/140F 
#28       SYSTEM_BD            72C/161F   110C/230F

show fan

hpasmcli>  show fan 
Fan  Location        Present Speed  of max  Redundant  Partner  Hot-pluggable
---  --------        ------- -----  ------  ---------  -------  -------------
#1   SYSTEM          Yes     NORMAL  29%     Yes        0        No            
#2   SYSTEM          Yes     NORMAL  29%     Yes        0        No            
#3   SYSTEM          Yes     NORMAL  29%     Yes        0        No            
#4   SYSTEM          Yes     NORMAL  29%     Yes        0        No            

show powersupply

hpasmcli> show powersupply
Power supply #1
  Present  : Yes
  Redundant: No
  Condition: Ok
  Hotplug  : Supported
  Power    : 110 Watts
Power supply #2
  Present  : Yes
  Redundant: No
  Condition: FAILED
  Hotplug  : Supported

Kommandos lassen sich auch ohne die interaktive hpasmcli ausführen.

root@rzm-srv01e13:~# hpasmcli -s "show fan; show powersupply"

Fan  Location        Present Speed  of max  Redundant  Partner  Hot-pluggable
---  --------        ------- -----  ------  ---------  -------  -------------
#1   SYSTEM          Yes     NORMAL  30%     Yes        0        No            
#2   SYSTEM          Yes     NORMAL  30%     Yes        0        No            
#3   SYSTEM          Yes     NORMAL  30%     Yes        0        No            
#4   SYSTEM          Yes     NORMAL  30%     Yes        0        No            

Power supply #1
  Present  : Yes
  Redundant: No
  Condition: Ok
  Hotplug  : Supported
  Power    : 115 Watts
Power supply #2
  Present  : Yes
  Redundant: No
  Condition: FAILED
  Hotplug  : Supported

hponcfg (Online iLO Configuration Utility)

Über hponcfg lässt sich das iLO ohne Systemneustart konfigurieren.

root@rzm-srv01e13:~# hponcfg 
HP Lights-Out Online Configuration utility
Version 4.6.0 Date 09/28/2015 (c) Hewlett-Packard Company, 2015
Firmware Revision = 1.87 Device type = iLO 3 Driver name = hpilo

  hponcfg  -?
  hponcfg  -h
  hponcfg  -m minFw
  hponcfg  -r [-m minFw ]
  hponcfg  [-a] -w filename [-m minFw]
  hponcfg  -g [-m minFw]
  hponcfg  -f filename [-l filename] [-s namevaluepair] [-v] [-m minFw]
  hponcfg  -i [-l filename] [-s namevaluepair] [-v] [-m minFw]

  -h,  --help           Display this message
  -?                    Display this message
  -r,  --reset          Reset the Management Processor to factory defaults
  -b,  --reboot         Reboot Management Processor without changing any setting
  -f,  --file           Get/Set Management Processor configuration from "filename" 
  -i,  --input          Get/Set Management Processor configuration from the XML input 
                        received through the standard input stream.
  -w,  --writeconfig    Write the Management Processor configuration to "filename"
  -a,  --all            Capture complete Management Processor configuration to the file.
                        This should be used along with '-w' option
  -l,  --log            Log replies to "filename"
  -v,  --xmlverbose     Display all the responses from Management Processor
  -s,  --substitute     Substitute variables present in input config file
                        with values specified in "namevaluepairs"
  -g,  --get_hostinfo   Get the Host information
  -m,  --minfwlevel     Minimum firmware level

hp-snmp-agents (SNMP Erweiterungen für HP Sensoren)

HP liefert ein Konfigurationstool mit das Menügeführt einen durch das Grundsetup durchführt.


Ich habe nur die Read/Write und ReadOnly Community geändert und alles andere auf Default lassen.

Anschließend habe ich noch Korrekturen durchgeführt in der /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

# Anpassung der Communitys
# Schreiben nur von Loopback aus
rwcommunity supergeheim
# Lesezugriff fuer Monitoring
rocommunity public

# Listener angepasst das er nur auf der Management NW Karte erreichbar ist
agentAddress  udp:

Restart des SNMP Daemons nicht vergessen:

service snmpd restart



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