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Commandline Tool for exporting Cisco hardware inventory via SNMP


This tool exports every hardware asset from an Cisco device with a serial number. You can export the list as table or CSV.

Download: https://gist.github.com/lanbugs/4dbed5e0e8a7d5b6d29c4ea9b9e93bb2

>python cisco_inventory.py -h
usage: cisco_inventory.py [-h] -H HOST -v SNMP_VERSION [-C SNMP_COMMUNITY]
                          [-u SNMP_USER] [-A SNMP_AUTH] [-a SNMP_AUTH_METHOD]
                          [-X SNMP_PRIVACY] [-x SNMP_PRIVACY_METHOD]
                          [-L SNMP_SECURITY] [--csv]

Cisco inventory grabber Version 0.1 Written by Maximilian Thoma 2018

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST               WLC IP address
  -v SNMP_VERSION       SNMP version, valid are 2 or 3
  -C SNMP_COMMUNITY     SNMP Community (only v2)
  -u SNMP_USER          SNMP user (v3)
  -A SNMP_AUTH          SNMP auth password (v3)
  -a SNMP_AUTH_METHOD   SNMP auth method, valid are MD5 or SHA (v3)
  -X SNMP_PRIVACY       SNMP privacy password (v3)
                        SNMP privacy method, valid are AES or DES (v3)
  -L SNMP_SECURITY      SNMP security level, valid are no_auth_or_privacy,
                        auth_without_privacy or auth_with_privacy (v3)
  --csv                 Result should be CSV


>python cisco_inventory.py -H -v 3 -u snmpuser -A snmpauth -a MD5 -X snmpencr -x DES -L auth_with_privacy
| Description                                            | Class       | Name                                   | HWRev   | FWRev       | SWRev      | Serial           | Manufactor          | Model          | FRU?   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet1/4/12                  | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet1/4/11                  | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet1/4/10                  | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet1/4/11                  | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet1/3/8                   | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet1/3/9                   | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet1/3/6                   | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet1/3/7                   | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseSX                                             | -           | GigabitEthernet2/3/10                  | V01     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO               | GLC-SX-MMD     | true   |
| 1000BaseX (SFP) with 12 SFP Ports Jumbo Frame Support  | module      | Switch1 Linecard 4 (virtual slot 4)    | V02     |             |            | FNS11111111      | Cisco               | WS-X4612-SFP-E | true   |
| 1000BaseX (SFP) with 12 SFP Ports Jumbo Frame Support  | module      | Switch1 Linecard 3 (virtual slot 3)    | V02     |             |            | FNS11111111      | Cisco               | WS-X4612-SFP-E | true   |
| Cisco Systems, Inc. WS-C4506-E 6 slot switch           | chassis     | Switch1 System                         | V03     |             |            | FNS11111111      | Cisco               | WS-C4506-E     | false  |
| FanTray                                                | fan         | Switch2 FanTray 1                      | V04     |             |            | FNS11111111      | Cisco               | WS-X4596-E     | true   |
| Power Supply ( AC 1400W )                              | powerSupply | Switch2 Power Supply 1                 | V04     |             |            | FNS11111111      | Cisco Systems, Inc. | PWR-C45-1400AC | true   |
| Power Supply ( AC 1400W )                              | powerSupply | Switch2 Power Supply 2                 | V04     |             |            | FNS11111111      | Cisco Systems, Inc. | PWR-C45-1400AC | true   |
| SFP-10Gbase-SR                                         | -           | TenGigabitEthernet1/1/1                | V03     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO-FINISAR       | SFP-10G-SR     | true   |
| SFP-10Gbase-SR                                         | -           | TenGigabitEthernet1/1/2                | V03     |             |            | FNS11111111      | CISCO-FINISAR       | SFP-10G-SR     | true   |
| Sup 7L-E 10GE (SFP+), 1000BaseX (SFP) with 4 SFP Ports | module      | Switch1 Supervisor 1 (virtual slot 1)  | V01     | 15.0(1r)SG3 | 03.06.03.E | FNS11111111      | Cisco               | WS-X45-SUP7L-E | true   |



#!/usr/bin/env python

# Need following pip packages
# - easysnmp
# - tabulate

# Checkout blog article to tool
# https://lanbugs.de/netzwerktechnik/hersteller/cisco/commandline-tool-for-exporting-cisco-hardware-inventory-via-snmp/

from easysnmp import Session
import argparse
from tabulate import tabulate
from operator import itemgetter
from pprint import pprint

def main():
    # ARGS
    description = """
    Cisco inventory grabber\nVersion 0.1\nWritten by Maximilian Thoma 2018

    aparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
    aparser.add_argument('-H', dest='host', help='WLC IP address', required=True)
    aparser.add_argument('-v', dest='snmp_version', help='SNMP version, valid are 2 or 3', required=True)
    aparser.add_argument('-C', dest='snmp_community', help='SNMP Community (only v2)')
    aparser.add_argument('-u', dest='snmp_user', help='SNMP user (v3)')
    aparser.add_argument('-A', dest='snmp_auth', help='SNMP auth password (v3)')
    aparser.add_argument('-a', dest='snmp_auth_method', help='SNMP auth method, valid are MD5 or SHA (v3)')
    aparser.add_argument('-X', dest='snmp_privacy', help='SNMP privacy password (v3)')
    aparser.add_argument('-x', dest='snmp_privacy_method', help='SNMP privacy method, valid are AES or DES (v3)')
    aparser.add_argument('-L', dest='snmp_security',
                         help='SNMP security level, valid are no_auth_or_privacy, auth_without_privacy or auth_with_privacy (v3)')
    aparser.add_argument('--csv', dest='csv', help='Result should be CSV', action='store_true')
    args = aparser.parse_args()

    # Setup SNMP connection

    if args.snmp_version == "2":
            snmp = Session(hostname=args.host, version=2, use_numeric=True)

        except Exception as e:
            print e

    if args.snmp_version == "3":
            snmp = Session(

        except Exception as e:
            print e

    # Init Data Buffer

    inventory = {}
    inv_print = []

    # SNMP Walk inventory

    port = {
    0: "-",
    1: "other",
    2: "unknown",
    3: "chassis",
    4: "backplane",
    5: "container",
    6: "powerSupply",
    7: "fan",
    8: "sensor",
    9: "module",
    10: "port",
    11: "stack",
    12: "cpu"

    ## Get inventory
    result_ids = snmp.walk(".")

    def stripper(string):
        if "NoneType" not in str(type(string)):
            return string.strip()
            return string

    for r in result_ids:
        if r.oid_index in inventory:
            element_id = r.oid.replace(".","")

            if element_id == "16": # fru
                fru = "true" if "1" in r.value else "false"
                inventory[r.oid_index][element_id] = fru

            elif element_id == "5": # class
                classx = port[int(r.value)] if len(r.value) is 1 else port[0]
                inventory[r.oid_index][element_id] = classx

            else: # everything else
                inventory[r.oid_index][element_id] = r.value
            element_id = r.oid.replace(".","")
            inventory[r.oid_index] = {}
            inventory[r.oid_index][element_id] = r.value
    for elements, values in inventory.iteritems():
        if len(values['11']) >= 1:        
            #print elements
            #2 entPhysicalDescr
            #3 entPhysicalVendorType
            #4 entPhysicalContainedIn
            #5 entPhysicalClass
            #6 entPhysicalParentRelPos
            #7 entPhysicalName
            #8 entPhysicalHardwareRev
            #9 entPhysicalFirmwareRev
            #10 entPhysicalSoftwareRev
            #11 entPhysicalSerialNum
            #12 entPhysicalMfgName
            #13 entPhysicalModelName
            #14 entPhysicalAlias
            #15 entPhysicalAssetID
            #16 entPhysicalIsFRU

    # Sort table

    inv = sorted(inv_print, key=itemgetter(0))

    # Result

    if args.csv is True:

        print 'Description;Class;Name;HWRev;FWRev;SWRev;Serial;Manufactor;Model;FRU?'
        for line in inv:
            print ';'.join(str(l) for l in line)

        print tabulate(inv, headers=['Description', 'Class', 'Name', 'HWRev', 'FWRev', 'SWRev', 'Serial', 'Manufactor', 'Model', 'FRU?'], tablefmt="orgtbl")

if __name__ == "__main__":


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